• Mobile Application for Refugees – Asylum Service Application – ASA”. Development of a mobile application for providing information to refugees and immigrants, Greek Ministry of Interior, Asylum Service, Funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union. 2015-2017. Scientific Research Director
  • Smart integrated Robotics system for SMEs controlled by Internet of Things based on dynamic manufacturing processes – HORSE (http://www.horse-project.eu)– H2020-FoF-2015. 2016-2020. Scientific Research Director
  • “Study In Greece”, (http://www.studyingreece.edu.gr/), The official portal of the Hellenic Republic for the provision of studying and living information for domestic and international students. The project is under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education Research & Religious Affairs, both having a link on their websites, as well as Greek missions (Embassies, etc) abroad. 2014-ongoing. Scientific Research Director.
  • “Plato academy – The ways of knowledge” (http://www.plato-academy.gr/). IT team manager, responsible for the development of the portal and the applications. 2012-2015. Scientific Research Director: Prof. T. Sphicopoulos
  • “Hellenic Academic Opencourses of Harokopio University” (http://opencourses.hua.gr/), offering asynchronous e-learning for the University’s courses. IT manager and general responsible for the implementation of the project. 2014-2016. Scientific Research director: Prof. D. Anagnostopoulos
  • EYZHN (http://eyzin.minedu.gov.gr/). IT team manager, development and support of the e- learning platform. 2014-2017. Scientific Research director: Prof. L. Sidosis
  • Informative and training program for teachers, parents and students on nutrition health education (http://gematodiatrofi.hua.gr). IT team manager and general responsible for the implementation of the project. 2016. Scientific Research director: Prof. D. Panagiotakos
  • Development of a methodological framework for the assessment of socioeconomic and digital risks related to the Internet of Things, funded by the Research and Management Committee of Harokopio University [2018-2019].
  • Nanophotonic transistors based on optical black-holes, funded by the Latsis Foundation [2014-2015].
  • Polymeric Photonics for Information and Communications technologies (PHOTOPOLIS), funded by the Ministry of Education [2012-2015]
  • Optical networks based on photonic circuits – Archimedes III, funded by the Ministry of Education [2012-2015].
  • Coherent optical wireless systems (COWS) “ARISTEIA ΙΙ” Action of the “Operational programme Education and Life Long Learning”, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Greek state [2014-2015].
  • Optical Wireless Ultrafast Systems for Next Generation Short-Range Network Architectures Based On Coherent Receiver Technology – Luminousnet project, funded by the HUA Research Committee [2014]
  • COST Action IC1101, Optical Wireless Communications – An Emerging Technology (OPTICWISE)